& Associates

Automotive: auto parts, car dealerships
Beauty: products, international spas, day spas & hair salons
Building: commercial, industrial, residential, strip centers & malls
Developers: commercial, industrial & residential
Entertainment: artists, galleries, concert series, nightclubs, theaters & sporting events
Food: restaurants; fine & casual dining, grocery chains, bakeries & coffee houses
Health Care: hospitals, innovative technology, laser procedures, behavioral health, software, insurance providers
Hospitality: hotels, resorts & travel corporations
Individuals: athletes, authors, entrepreneurs
Medical: products, doctors & specialists
Organizations: philanthropic, community, political, government
Financial and Professional Services: attorneys, investment bankers, mortgage bankers, accountants & architects
Retail: accessories, clothing, eyewear, footwear, furs, couture, jewelry & home furnishings
Technology: e-marketing & internet companies, internet start-ups, software, web development, design, and backend technology
Services: interior design, advertising, marketing
Client list available upon request.